Tantalum Carbide MOCVD Heater

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Semicera Tantalum Carbide MOCVD Heaters e etselitsoe ho mamella mocheso o feteletseng ho fihla ho 2300 ° C, e fana ka ts'ebetso e ke keng ea lekanngoa ea mocheso bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse tsoetseng pele. Ka nako e ka tšeptjoang ea matsatsi a 30, Semicera e etsa bonnete ba hore li-heaters tsena li fana ka boleng bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa le bo sebetsang hantle, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng bakeng sa ho batla lits'ebetso tsa indasteri.


Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

SemiceraTantalum CarbideLi-heaters tsa MOCVD li hahiloe bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa mocheso o phahameng ka ho fetisisa, tse khonang ho finyella mocheso ho fihlela ho 2300 ° C. Licheso tsena li fana ka botsitso bo ikhethang ba mocheso, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le e tšepahalang lits'ebetsong tsa metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Semicera e fana ka tiiso ea lihlahisoa tse sebetsang ka nako e telele le tse nepahetseng, tse etselitsoeng ho finyella litlhoko tsa liindasteri tse tsoetseng pele.

E entsoe ka lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tantalum carbide, li-heaters tsena tsa MOCVD li fana ka khanyetso e ikhethang ho oxidation le corrosion ea lik'hemik'hale, esita le mocheso o phahameng. Ho tšoarella hona ho ba etsa khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa tlhahiso ea semiconductor, epitaxy, le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa mocheso o phahameng tse hlokang ho nepahala le ho ts'epahala.

Thepa e phahameng ea mocheso ea SemiceraTantalum CarbideLi-heaters tsa MOCVD li kenya letsoho ho ntlafatseng ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso. Kaho ea bona e matla e fokotsa ho atolosoa ha mocheso le tahlehelo ea mocheso, ho netefatsa hore mocheso o ajoa ka mokhoa o ts'oanang ho pholletsa le substrate. Sena se lebisa ho boleng bo ntlafetseng ba sehlahisoa le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso.

Semicera e inehetse ho fana ka licheso tse sa kopaneng feela empa li feta litekanyetso tsa indasteri. Emong le emongTantalum CarbideMOCVD Heater e feta mehato e tiileng ea taolo ea boleng ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e phahameng. Ka nako ea pele ea matsatsi a 30, Semicera e fana ka ts'episo le lebelo le hlokoang ke ts'ebetso ea morao-rao ea indasteri.

Ebang ke semiconductor, aerospace, kapa masimo a lipatlisiso tsa thepa, SemiceraTantalum CarbideLi-heaters tsa MOCVD ke tharollo ea ho fumana liphetho tse phahameng lits'ebetsong tsa mocheso o phahameng. Ts'ebetso ea bona e ikhethang ho 2300 ° C e etsa hore e be tsa bohlokoa haholo bakeng sa lits'ebetso moo ho nepahala le ho tšoarella ho leng bohlokoa.



ka le ntle le TaC


Kamora ho sebelisa TaC (ka ho le letona)

Semicera Sebaka sa mosebetsi
Sebaka sa mosebetsi sa Semicera 2
Mochini oa lisebelisoa
Semicera Ware House
Ts'ebetso ea CNN, ho hloekisa lik'hemik'hale, ho roala CVD
Tshebeletso ya rona

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