SemiceraLi-susceptors tsa Tantalum Carbideli etselitsoe lits'ebetso tse hlokang tekano e phahameng le botsitso bo ikhethang. Li-susceptors tsena li fana ka botšepehi ba sebopeho se hlokahalang bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse hlokang, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le e tšepahalang. Semicera e fana ka lihlahisoa tse finyellang litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa, tse lokiselitsoeng ho latela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa liindasteri tse tsoetseng pele.
E entsoe kabohloeki bo phahameng ba tantalum carbide, li-susceptors tsena li fana ka khanyetso e phahameng ea mocheso oa mocheso le ho bola ha lik'hemik'hale. Microstructure ea tsona e teteaneng e fokotsa porosity, e leng se etsang hore ho be le conductivity e ntlafetseng ea mocheso le matla a mochine. Sena se etsa hore e be tse loketseng bakeng sa ho sebelisoa libakeng tseo ho nepahala le ho tšoarella ho leng bohlokoa, joalo ka tlhahiso ea semiconductor le kholo ea epitaxial.
Thepa e tsoetseng pele ea thepa ea SemiceraLi-susceptors tsa Tantalum Carbidekenya letsoho tshebetsong ya bona e babatsehang dibakeng tse phahameng tsa mocheso. Mohaho oa bona o teteaneng o tiisa hore ho na le deformation e fokolang tlas'a khatello ea kelello, e lebisang bophelong bo bolelele ba tšebeletso le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo. Li-susceptors tsena li entsoe ho fana ka liphetho tse tsitsitseng, le tlas'a maemo a thata ka ho fetisisa.
Semicera e ikemiselitse ho fana ka lihlahisoa tse sa kopaneng feela empa li feta litebello tsa indasteri. Tantalum Carbide Susceptor e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e feta mehatong e thata ea taolo ea boleng ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng lits'ebetsong tsa hau. Ka nako e tšepahalang ea matsatsi a 30, Semicera e fana ka ts'ebetso le ts'epo eo khoebo ea hau e e hlokang hore e lule e le tlholisano.
Hore na e sebelisoa ts'ebetsong ea mocheso o phahameng kapa lipatlisisong tsa morao-rao, SemiceraLi-susceptors tsa Tantalum Carbidefana ka density le durability e hlokahalang ho fumana liphello tse phahameng. Bokhoni ba bona ba ho boloka botšepehi ba sebopeho tlas'a maemo a feteletseng bo etsa hore e be karolo ea bohlokoa lits'ebetsong tse tsoetseng pele tsa indasteri.